Part Numbering System for Standard Driver Custom Variations: LE PXX –XX –XX -Fxx
(DDPDX Part #) –(Custom Dash) –(Custom Dash) –F(Preset settings)
eg. LE PNX-50-22-F01-CSA = Standard LE PNX driver with 5amp Max (-50) with error detect pin (-22) custom factory parameters (-F01) with CSA certification.
eg. LE PNX-50-22-F01-CSA = Standard LE PNX driver with 5amp Max (-50) with error detect pin (-22) custom factory parameters (-F01) with CSA certification.
We offer any combination of the below features unless otherwise stated. This part number system does not completely apply to ME**** custom products. Contact us for more details.
Optional Features (List of Custom Variations)
-07 : Driver with 20" Flying Leads
Wire leads soldered directly to driver, 20" leads, 18AWG wire (LE PGX green terminal removed).
-08 : NEMA 4X box with External Encoder Knobs
NEMA 4X box for LE PNX/LE PIX with Large External Encoder Knobs mounted on lid.
-09 : NEMA 4X box with POT and knob mounted on lid
NEMA 4X box for LE PNX/LE PIX with POT and knob mounted on lid.
-11 : Low profile power connector
Low profile power connector, Driver Board only, no enclosure.
-12 : 1.2A Max current output
DDPDX driver with 1.20A max current with resistor 0.25 Ohm.
-19 : Digital Output Selection for A-B Solenoid Indicator
A dual driver that tells you whether you are on A or B side with a digital feedback read by the PLC.
-21 : Reverse Acting Driver
Driver with inverse output (negative gain). Low Command Signal will output HI current. High Command Signal will output LO current. Driver with reverse acting command control. Max command input will have a current output of minimum value, etc.
-24 : 2 Digital Inputs - 4 Preset Output Levels
Two digital input with four output levels.
-34 : Low Frequency, Open Loop PWM
Open Loop Driver. Command Signal Driver by Duty Cycle Percentage
-37 : Negative Gain Driver
Inverse Gain Driver with "Li" percentage parameter to cut the output current. Based on an LE PGX. Added function to cut the output current at a set percentage.
-BT : Wireless Controlled Driver
Bluetooth connection option allows user to monitor & adjust Lynch driver on their mobile device.
-CSA : CSA Certified Drivers
Field certified driver with Canadian Standards Association approval.